As a businessman it is extremely rewarding to be able to work in an environment where one of our core values is to make a difference in people’s lives by offering security solutions that work. We don’t just care about the dot. We care about the individuals, inside our walls and beyond.

Ultimately an entrepreneur at heart and with my background in the Military and Security Print, I’ve developed skills in assessing situations, identifying opportunities, solving problems and strategically executing game plans.

At Holomatrix, we spear-headed Microtechnology in 2011, and were established as one of South Africa’s top suppliers of high-tech security components and solutions with Veridot leading in the Vehicle Industry with The Department of Transport and the establishment of MASA. (Microdot Association of South Africa).

Holomatrix protects the brands, assets, and revenues of its valued customers, by manufacturing and supplying cutting edge security, Identification components and solutions to a variety of OEM, Corporate and government clients alike.

We are committed to developing long-term relationships with both our suppliers and customers and in doing so have developed strategic relationships with key partners over the years. We believe in tailor-made products and services and a transparent business culture, as integrity is key for me and subsequently Holomatrix as a business.

In closing, we will constantly aspire to help reduce crime in this beautiful country, South Africa, which we are proud to call home. If there is a better way to do something we will find it!


Kevin Peterson