Holomatrix (PTY) LTD is a company duly registered in terms of the companies act with registration number: 2003/014859/07 and we qualify as a small to medium enterprise, with a broad based black economic empowerment plan, as contemplated in section 11(2)(c) of the broad based black economic empowerment act, 2003 (act no. 53 of 2003).
We acknowledge the importance of BBBEE in the transformation of South Africa, as well as long term organisational and shareholder benefits. Our main place of business is situated at: 17 Grasmere Road, Windermere, Durban, 4001.
We are committed to the objectives of BBBEE and we endeavor to explicitly integrate these principles into our business. As a company we have recommitted ourselves to implementing the New Codes of Good Practice promulgated in May 2015.
We will continue to support this uniquely South African system of social accounting and its intent to remedy imbalances of the past and ensure equal opportunities for all South Africans.
Our efforts will include robust staff retention and succession planning strategies, continued skills development of all employees, changing the face of our suppliers and through creating opportunities for small black owned and black female owned businesses. We also work in the development space through socio-economic development interventions aimed at enhancing quality of life.
We propose to facilitate inclusivity through Skills Development, Ownership, Management Control, Enterprise and Supplier Development, as well as removing economic barriers for black people.
This envisaged empowerment process will be addressed in a holistic and systematic manner which will continue to be driven at management and directorship level.